A small log house stood on this place as early as 1772. No wonder, the location Přední výsluní, where the Cottage stands, is illuminated by the sun from morning to evening. Spring comes here before Pec pod Sněžkou and autumn always colors the trees beautifully. The Cottage was rebuilt to its current size in 1929. During the communist era, the house served as a corporate cottage in the OSP Poděbrady. After the revolution, it fell back into private hands, where it remains to this day.
The cottage is so large that it could be conveniently divided into two structurally separate parts. We have reconstructed the one you can visit with your friends in recent years, so you can enjoy the newly furnished rooms and common areas. The other half is the home of the owners of Chalupa Na hráni and their families. You will meet 5 happy children, a cheerful female Bernese Mountain Dog and two cuddly cats. And besides them, look forward to sheep with lambs, which take care of the English lawn of the meadow under the Cottage Na hráni.